
Staying Sharp — ‘Australian Survivor’ Castaway Matt Keeps His Eyes on the Prize

australian survivor heroes vs villains 2023 matt sharp

New Australian Survivor Castaway Matt Sharp is trying to secure the Heroes Vs Villains victory.

As a Gold Coast lifeguard, it’s no surprise that he’s been placed into the Heroes tribe. But while his friends might say he has goodness in his heart, Sharp admits he has other plans on how he will fight to the finish.

“I’m here to play, not to just sit back and relax. In my everyday life, I’m just the nice guy that likes helping people, but out here, I might be the nice guy around camp, the nice guy to people’s faces but I’m out here to blindside, to find Idols, make moves and play big,” he said in a press statement.

Before the season began, Sharp said he was excited to use his camping and survival skills — fishing, building the shelter, and to help his fellow tribemates around camp. And although deception and trickery don’t come naturally to him, he’s more than ready to take out some Villains.

“I’ve been thinking a lot about who these Villains will be and whether it’s a dodgy politician or dodgy car salesman, I’m excited to find out who they are and to send them home packing,” he said.

Much like recently eliminated Villain Jordie Hansen, Sharp leaves behind his pregnant wife for a shot at the $500,000 cash prize. Will it all be worth it?

Watch Matt on Australian Survivor: Heroes Vs Villains only on 10 and 10 Play on Demand.

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