
The Headlines: Here Are Dan Andrews’ 2023 — 2026 Plans

Mondays: The only time when walking through a carwash spraying illicit energy drinks should be legal. Sometimes, an iced coffee just doesn’t cut it. Sometimes, you need a bit of extra help to wake yourself up.

However, there is a better way of getting ready for the workweek. And that’s going through some of today’s biggest headlines. So, let’s cut the bants, and get straight into the nitty gritty right now.

What Daniel Andrews Is Planning Next

On November 26, the Victorian Labor Party won the state election. Yup, for the third time in a row, this org won over a majority of Assembly seats. They hit the magic number of 45 out of 88. As of 10:50am on November 28, the party has a safe margin of 52 seats. 

But now that Labor has secured its third term in power, what are they planning to do with it? Whelp, the Victorian Premier, Daniel Andrews, has some ideas.

In his victory speech, Andrews said that his government’s next policies include: “Free kinder. Adding to the free TAFE list, so that every Victorian can get the skills they need for the job they want.”

Andrews also wants to create more nurses, buy more ambulances, create more hospitals, and build more schools. 

Moreover, Andrews wants to bring back the State Electricity Commission of Victoria. This could potentially drive down the state’s energy prices and boost the use of some renewable forms of power.

Why Queensland Will Explode With Huntsman Spiders

Huntsman spiders aren’t super-duper dangerous. In most cases, their venom couldn’t kill a person, nor is fighting us in their nature. Additionally, huntsmans can be useful, as they like to nom up the annoying flies in our homes.

Nevertheless, having a whack of huntsmans in your space might not be a vibe. And Queensland’s in for a shocker of a summer. 

As Arachnologist at the Queensland Museum, Dr Jeremy Wilson, said, “Having lots of adult huntsmans out at the moment reflects on a good breeding season, that means the last year or two has provided the perfect weather conditions for breeding and prey abundance.”

“Because there has been more prey around, those huntsmans will be even larger than normal, these years of perfect conditions have resulted in bigger specimens.”

Related: Yikesss! Snake Season Is Huge Thanks to the La Niña

Related: What Will the Weather in Australia Be Like This Summer 2022-2023?

A 106-Year-Old Got Their Dream: Meeting Alpacas

In some wholesome news, the 106-year-old Aussie Elma Miller recently got to tick an item off her bucket list. Miller wanted to meet some alpacas, and her family made it happen. 

Fortunately, this meet-and-greet went very smoothly. Miller was overjoyed with the two alpacas she met.  

“I love them. I’d like to take one home, but we’re not allowed animals [in the nursing home],” said Miller.

“I’ve never been kissed by an alpaca before.”

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