
Tassie Is Taking 50% Off Its Most Popular Hiking Trail, the Overland Track


Adventure seekers travel far and wide to walk Australia’s premier alpine walk, the Overland Track in Tasmania.

The 65km six-day trek, beginning at the iconic Cradle Mountain and ending beside Australia’s deepest lake, Lake St Clair, is said to be physically demanding and emotionally challenging yet absolutely spectacular with jaw-dropping scenery.

Walkers wind through glacially carved valleys, rainforests, eucalyptus forests and alpine meadows, with optional side trips that present waterfall views and even a chance to claim Tassie’s highest peak, Mount Ossa.

It’s truly one for the bucket list, and for a limited time, those interested can embark upon the Overland Track at half the regular price.


Entry to the Tasmania Wilderness World Heritage Area to walk the Overland Track normally costs $200, but walkers who enter the park between 1 October to 31 December, 2020, will pay only $100.

Due to COVID-19, only 16 walkers will be allowed to commence the trek each day, so bookings are essential.

To find out more about the Overland Track and to book your adventure, head to the official parks page now.

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