
Aldi’s Special Buys Will Feature a $399 Robot Vacuum So You Can Sit Back and Let It Clean

Robot vacuum

I’ll admit, when I first heard the term ‘robot vacuum’, I imagined a human-like robot clomping around, bumping into walls and sucking up dirt from its feet. Little did I know, the device would come to completely change my cleaning routine — and that it looked nothing like I imagined.

For starters, it’s a lot smaller than a human-like robot. I have the Deebot N8 Pro by Ecovacs Robots, which, like most other robot vacuums, is circular, about the size of a small pizza with a height of about my hand. It also doesn’t bump into things — its laser beams tell it where there’s an object so it automatically turns away and heads in another direction.

And while you can read my full (very honest) review on the Deebot N8 Pro here, in more pressing news, Ecovacs is releasing a special robot vacuum to ALDI’s Special Buys next Wednesday. Costing a mere $399, down from the usual price of $799, the DEEBOT NEO will be on sale starting Wednesday, March 9.

Robot vacuum
Image: Ecovacs

Amazingly, the DEEBOT NEO features other Ecovacs robot vacuums’ same mopping functionality — you simply fill up its water tank and it mops your floors — as well as the mapping feature, which sees the robot mapping out your home space, so you know where exactly it is on the Ecovacs app on your phone. You can even start it from the app, if you’re out and want to come home to fresh, clean pad.

This isn’t the first time ALDI has featured a robot vacuum in its Special Buys, but this model has double the suction power of previous models — and again, it’s half its usual price.

Helpfully, ALDI launched a Special Buys Stock Checker, which you can use to check products one day after they appear in-store and up to four weeks after their drop. So, if you’re heading to a store for the robot vacuum after Thursday, March 10, you might want to check before you go.

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