
What’s Your Sign? Struck Is a New Astrology-Inspired Dating App

struck app

Former Apple engineers have founded a new dating app called Struck. It’s an astrology-based matchmaking platform that references the precise patterns of the stars at the moment you were born to help you find a perfect match.

With the information you provide in the sign-up process to inform your natal chart, the app uses a detailed algorithm to match compatible users based on your preferences and astrological principles.

Built by a diverse and predominantly female team, including two people of colour and a member of the LGBTQIA+ community, the app was actually rejected nine times before being finally approved for the App Store recently.

Struck works a little differently to the dating apps you’ve come to know. Instead of swiping on a limitless number of users, Struck will present you with only four matches in a single day.

Of those four, you’ll only be able to message one person. The intention behind this design decision is to allow users a chance to choose a match on their values and compatible characteristics — not just their bio photos.


“We’re not like other dating apps that leave you with a seemingly endless pool of candidates to sift through,” the founders explain on the Struck site.

“By mapping compatibility with each user’s unique natal chart, we help you narrow down the field of candidates to a smaller — but higher-quality — group right off the bat. By having just a small number of chats per day, we’re hoping you’ll slow down and put more thought into the conversations you do have.”

And quite honestly, you don’t even have to believe your natal chart has the match-making abilities the Struck app bases its algorithm upon. The platform welcomes sceptics and believes astrology has potential benefits for all for opening the doors to meaningful conversations and for establishing connections with those with whom we share common traits.

“At the end of the day, we’re not trying to change anyone’s minds about astrology or prove that it’s “real” — that’s ultimately up to you to decide for yourself. We just ask that you stay open-minded and respectful of everyone on the platform.

“In the worst case, you’ve downloaded a half-decent dating app, and in the best case, you’ll find yourself meeting great people and having even better conversations.”


As of right now, and since it’s so new, the app is only available in California and is expected to arrive in New York City before the end of the month. As for us all the way over here in Australia, well, we may have to wait a little longer.

Find out more about the Struck App here.

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