
‘Gogglebox’s’ Adam and Symon Enter the ‘I’m a Celeb’ Jungle and It’s Kind of Awkward

Adam and Symon

The latest additions to the I’m a Celebrity “jungle” were not the most welcome sights for their new “roommates”. 

Gogglebox stars Adam Densten and Symon Lovett are the newest members of the camp, after singer Jack Vidgen was eliminated on January 17, and not everyone was thrilled to see them. 

Chef Colin Fassnidge was pretty upfront with his feelings, exclaiming, “Not these two idiots,” as they arrived, while Toni Pearen burst into tears at the sight of them lamenting, “I can’t handle any more people!”.

So exactly who are these two celebrities that are able to evoke such powerful reactions from their fellow contestants? 

The mates from Melbourne appeared on Foxtel’s Gogglebox for 10 seasons, becoming fan favourites before announcing their departure from the show in November 2019. 

“We wanted to do things a bit more creative,” Symon told TV Week at the time. “It was just the right time in our lives.”

The pair, who have been pursuing further TV and radio opportunities, are the hosts of The Adam & Symon Show podcast which is currently in its third season. 

Meanwhile, any concerns (or hopes) that the opinionated twosome would create even more waves in the already awkward love triangle that had started to form between Abbie Chatfield, Ash Williams and Alli Simpson can safely be assuaged as both the men are in serious relationships. 

Lovett is loved up with his girlfriend Gabriella who is a singer and actor while Densten is engaged to his long term partner Rachel Falconer. 

In addition to The Adam & Symon Show, the former flatmates also host an AFL focused podcast called ‘He’s Been Doing it All Day’ in which the duo provide recaps and interview guests. 


Their entrance into the jungle which airs on Monday, January 18, comes after the first elimination which saw Australia’s Got Talent winner Jack Vidgen incorrectly guess how many rats were in a box, resulting in the singer being catapulted into a swamp and out of the competition. 

Speaking to the camera about the lukewarm reception they encountered when entering the campsite, Adam and Symon said “They were a bit flat! We came during the middle of lunchtime so everyone was like, ‘We’re eating, sorry, can you come back in an hour?’”

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