
Shane Vincent Is Using Life Experience to Get Through the Big Brother Game

Big Brother

Shane Vincent may have been under the radar so far, but he’s in one of the strongest alliances in the Big Brother house.

An effervescent husband and father-of-three, Vincent was born to entertain with his wicked sense of humour and a willingness to give everything a go.

The 39-year-old entered Big Brother in the hopes that he can prove to himself and his kids that anything is possible, so is counting on his life experience to get him further into the game.

Vincent is a wedding celebrant, who has also worked as an MC, DJ and airline cabin crew member. He absolutely loves his job and is immensely proud to have presided over one of Australia’s first legal gay marriages.

He’s funny, full of boundless energy, easy-going and extremely optimistic — which aids in him being able to make easy friends in the house.


Vincent is forming good relationships with the others, in hopes to keep him in for longer — and his strategy seems to be working.

His pet peeves include stupidity, bullying and a lack of food. We wonder how he’s going with that?

If he were to win, Vincent would spend the prize money on his family and friends.

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