
Calling All Beauty Salons: How to Donate Masks You Might Not Be Using


The stock levels of personal protective equipment (PPE) is shockingly low in hospitals and medical practices across the country.

In fact, the Instagram account NurseLifeRN, which has a following of over 1 million, recently posted a story poll asking nurse followers to weigh in on whether their hospitals were running out of personal protective equipment (PPE). Of those who responded, a shocking 84% said yes.

In order to replenish these stock levels, beauty therapist Melissa Young, owner of Melissa Young Beauty in Sydney, has put a call-out to all beauty salons to donate any unused masks they may have in their possession.

Young took to Instagram to start the search for masks and since has been inundated with beauty salons offering up their supply.

“As a beauty salon owner, I know first hand that masks are an essential part of my business and yours,” Young wrote.

“We had one of our amazing clients who is a nurse ask us if I would be able to donate any masks I have left in the salon to her department at one of the hospitals in Sydney as they are extremely low.”

Young received messages from healthcare workers that revealed many PPE orders were on backorder, and numerous medical staff were desperate to get their hands on any masks they could.

“I’m not asking for you to donate ALL your stock, I’m simply asking to donate what you can, it may be 50 masks, 20 masks or even just five masks,” Young wrote.


Since posting her call-out on social media, Young has been sent 450 masks to distribute and she still has clinics sending her more.

“So far I have dropped 250 masks to RPA Hospital and 50 to Strathfield Private Hospital,” Young told TheLatch—.

“I am working with other departments of hospitals to see where we can get the last 100 masks that I have on hand with more hopefully arriving next week.”

If any beauty salons or clinics (or if you have masks hoarded at home) want to donate masks, please contact Melissa Young via Instagram.

Please make sure masks are unopened and in original packaging before sending them. Opened or used masks won’t be accepted.

The current health crisis is evolving rapidly. If you suspect you or a family member has coronavirus you should call (not visit) your GP or ring the national Coronavirus Health Information Hotline on 1800 020 080.

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