Press Play: The Most Popular Australian History Podcasts of 2020

History podcasts are fast becoming one of the most popular genres on Spotify, Apple Music and iHeartRadio.

From fun podcasts like The Zest Is History, a “100% legit and maybe 80% researched yarn from Australia’s weird, wild and obviously zesty history,” to Frontier War Stories — “a podcast dedicated to truth-telling about a side of Australian that has been left out of the history books” — there’s no denying that Australians have a thirst for knowledge of yesteryear.

But why are we so fascinated by history?

According to Making History, historians are often asked: “What is the use or relevance of studying History?”

Well, for starters, looking back on how societies began, i.e. Australia, gives us insight into where we are now. We learn how our society functioned, how people interacted with each other, how our governments were run and how the events of the past shaped our great Nation.

While we could bury our heads in a history book or go down a deep dark rabbit hole on the internet, podcasts are a fascinating medium to learn more about where we came from.

Keep scrolling for a list of some of Australia’s best history podcasts.

The History of Australia Podcast

“This is a narrative history podcast. It tells the story of Australia starting with the dawn of the Australian landmass and moves forward through time until the year 2000.”

The Zest Is History

“The Zest Is History, a brand new podcast from Melissa Mason and Josie Rozenberg-Clarke (former hosts of All Aussie Mystery Hour). Each week, they will spin you a 100% legit and maybe 80% researched yarn from Australia’s weird, wild and obviously zesty history.”

Murder in the Land of Oz

“Thought nothing ever happens in Brisbane? Join hosts Jessica Kate and Ellen Rose as they dig up the skeletons buried in our own back yard and take you on a macabre tour around Australia’s third-largest city — home to the Stefan Needle, the Brown Snake, the crushing feeling that you’re trapped in a dead-end town that you can never leave, and some of the most brutal murders in Australian history.”

People’s History of Australia

“People’s History of Australia is a podcast and blog looking at Australian history from the perspective of ordinary people fighting together for a better life.”

Frontier War Stories

“Boe Spearim is a Gamilaraay & Kooma radio host and podcaster who lives in Brisbane.

Frontier War Stories – a podcast dedicated to truth-telling about a side of Australian that has been left out of the history books.

In each episode, Boe will speak with different Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people about research, books and oral histories which document the first 140 years of conflict and resistance. These times are the Frontier Wars and these are our War Stories.”

Australian Histories Podcast

“The Australian Histories Podcastaims to take a fresh look at some of the brilliant stories from Australia’s past.”

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