The Latch has teamed up with Stan to catch you up on “Billions” before the final season, available now only on Stan.
Since 2016, we’ve been deep in the throes of the unforgiving brutality of Wall Street thanks to Billions. For six seasons, the series hasn’t relented on the double-crossing, triple-crossing, and high-stakes financial bloodbath between Chuck Rhoades, Bobby Axelrod, and everyone else who gets caught up in the crossfire. Now, the seventh and final season of Billions is here, only on Stan, promising to deliver the explosive climax of the epic showdown.
The biggest news to come out of the final season before airing? Axe is back. After fleeing to Switzerland to avoid prison time at the end of Season 5, Damian Lewis’ Bobby Axelrod is back — and it looks like he’s back for blood. But what else can we expect to go down before Billions comes to its dramatic conclusion?
Axe Is Back, And He’s Coming for Heads

The last time we saw Bobby Axelrod, he got what was coming to him — to put it lightly. Known for his shrewd investment strategies and his ability to generate enormous profits (and disregarding any law to get them), we were used to seeing Axe stay one step ahead as U.S. Attorney Chuck Rhoades stopped at nothing to try and take him down.
But in the finale of Season 5 (which is available to stream on Stan in full along with seasons 1 — 6), someone outplays Axe. After being tricked into going into business with a drug kingpin and facing up to 25 years behind bars on money laundering charges, he’s left with no choice but to sell his business to rival billionaire Mike Prince for next-to-nothing, and he flees to Switzerland.
Fast forward to the release of the Season 7 trailer, and there Axe stood, grin on his face looking ready for revenge. It’s unclear at this point what his motives are, but for a hedge fund billionaire as formidable as him, you can bet he’s got tunnel vision on taking both Prince and Rhoades down.
Prince’s Crown Is Tilted, Not Broken

Since his introduction, Mike Prince — the far less ravenous billionaire rival of Axe — has kept his head relatively steady. Operating smoothly and calmly, he was able to take over Axe Capital and announce his campaign for U.S. President. But that was all because Prince had never had Rhoades hunt him down.
Rhoades, once hell-bent on exposing the corruption of Wall Street, now seems blinded by his own fight for justice. Once Axe had fled, Rhoades set his sights on Prince. After discovering that Prince was harbouring an undeclared $3.5 billion worth of cryptocurrency on a hard drive, Rhoades — now booted from public office — conducted an illegal raid to try and get justice.
Backed into a corner, Prince had no choice but to intentionally attempt an unsuccessful hack into the hard drive, causing the contents to be lost forever. He’s down $3.5 billion, but his road to the White House remains untainted. A setback, for sure, but now Prince will be treading a lot more carefully as Season 7 goes along, avoiding threats from both Rhoades and Axe.
The Rhoades to Victory Are Unclear

After the win against Axe, Rhoades came into Season 6 on a high. But, once Prince pulled a fast one on him, he literally found himself behind bars for conducting a raid with an illegal warrant. Slowly but surely, we’re watching Rhoades care less about law and process just to achieve his end goal — sound familiar?
Now we’re at Season 7, and Dave specifically springs Rhoades out of jail to take down Prince. He knows Prince has been knocked down a peg, but without another way to prove his tax evasion, he’s essentially back to square one. And square one is probably exactly where the unsuspecting threat of Axe wants him.
Rhoades now has to take down two very different billionaires, who are also trying to take down each other. With old allegiances in tatters, and a traditionally two-party rivalry now expanding to three, it seems Rhoades will have to adapt some of his enemies’ traits to successfully defeat them. Even if that includes striking friendships where he, or we, never thought possible.
The seventh and final season of Billions is streaming now, only on Stan. Catch up with every episode of Seasons 1 – 6 on Stan now by starting your 30-day-free-trial today.
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