You Can Use This Ergonomic Seat From Bunnings for Both WFH and Workouts


Hands up if you’ve been working eight hours a day while sitting on a dining chair for the last few months? Yeah, no wonder we’re all suffering from sore backs and terrible posture. Bunnings is currently selling an ergonomic ball seat — in the same vein of those exercise balls that were all the rage a few years ago but this one is much sturdier.

Made by German manufacturers VLUV, this seat is covered in woven canvas-style polyester fabric and includes an integrated bottom ring so it won’t roll away. The fabric is also removable so you can pop it in the wash should it need a clean.

Photo: Bunnings

The VLUV ball is perfect for working from home, as it provides a comfy seat that also encourages you to sit with a straight back. The old-style exercise balls also encouraged you to engage your core in order to sit straight, but if you had a slightly weaker core, it could easily result in bad posture.

The VLUV seat isn’t moving underneath you, so you’re not having to battle this while working. Instead, you’re simply able to sit straight and tall while at your desk.

When it comes to working out, you can incorporate the ergonomic seat into your yoga, Pilates and stretching practice. It’s also great for exercises like push-ups, sit-ups and planks.

Bunnings doesn’t sell these seats in-store but rather is working with a third-party retailer who will deliver it to your home. The seat itself arrives flat packed and is easily inflated with a hand pump, which is included. It can also be deflated and stored in a reusable zippered cotton bag provided.

The VLUV LEIV Ergonomic Seating Chair Ball is $298 from Bunnings.

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