
PSA: Lobsters Will Be Half the Price This Christmas


For many, Christmas lunch is not complete without prawns, but this year’s spread could be looking up to include lobsters too. Fancy.

In a pre-COVID world, Australia was importing 90% of its rock lobsters to China, but increasing political tensions and current import bans between China and Australia mean there’s a massive overflow at fish markets, which in turn is lowering the price on the luxurious and once-unattainable crustacean.

Right now, a lobster at the fish markets will have you spending around half of what you’d expect to have forked out this time last year. While high-quality lobsters would typically cost around $130-$150 a kilo, right now, they’re sitting at around $70-$100 a kilo.

According to the ABC, some fisheries are selling their southern rock lobsters for $30-$50 a kilo, which is not actually a reason to celebrate considering these suppliers’ profits are suffering.

“They’ve lowered their prices to be more appealing to the domestic market, which has been great, but we need to also make sure that we’re supporting them so they’re also earning a living through this time,” Stephanie Kaparos, CEO of Melbourne’s Clamms Seafood, tells Broadsheet.

This Christmas, due to more produce and thus more affordable prices, many households will be able to enjoy the luxury of fresh lobster. And patrons should feel inclined to splash out and support the industry if they have the means.

“This year, with prices the way they are, obviously there’s going to be a lot more lobster around, and that’s great because it’s made them something that everybody can afford to try this Christmas, and what a great time to do it and support the industry,” Erik Poole, supply and business development manager for Sydney Fish Market, tells Broadsheet.

Not entirely sure how to cook lobster at home? You could always leave it up to the experts and enjoy a lunch in one of Sydney’s best restaurants. Here are the best Christmas lunches to enjoy in Sydney in 2020.

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