
Michelle Battersby: What Working Through Lockdown Has Taught Me About Motivation


In her next column for TheLatch—, career woman and CMO Michelle Battersby shares her learnings thus far while working from home during the COVID-19 pandemic. Formerly the APAC marketing director at Bumble and now CMO for Keep it Cleaner, Michelle, based in Melbourne, talks finding new momentum in seemingly stagnant times. 

As I sit here in my apartment in Melbourne, whilst we are in the midst of Stage 4 restrictions, it’s hard to take stock of the perspective gained in the last five months. To say 2020 has been a rollercoaster is a total understatement.

I have days where I wake up and feel totally positive, committed to my role in turning this thing around and feeling like I am part of a team with all Victorians as we strive towards the common good.

The very next day, I struggle — I find the monotony completely suffocating and I find any type of motivation feels like a distant memory.

Thankfully, I have learned to ride out the process, to power through in the positive days and to take it easy on myself when I am going through the more challenging ones.

I feel totally fortunate that I can focus on my work at Keep It Cleaner (KIC) — I know that so many people don’t have the luxury of having a place of work, so I am incredibly grateful for this. During this time, it’s given me purpose and I am fortunate to work for a brand that’s able to provide a sense of comfort and care during this time.

I am equally as grateful for the fact that we have such a strong sense of community both within the KIC team, but also amongst our broader members. This is something that is so very special about the KIC crew — they are constantly lifting each other up, encouraging each other to go after their goals and do what’s best for them and what makes them feel good.


It is this motivation that has helped spur us into a new chapter at Keep It Cleaner. Just as our community is constantly inspiring each other to not sit still as individuals — to chase their goals and make it happen, as a company we also know we need to maintain our motivation, to grow and evolve.

That is why I am so incredibly proud of the changes we are bringing to KIC. Today we are launching a new app. It’s an entirely new way for our members to take part in their wellness journey. A transformation that was motivated by listening to our community and what they wanted to see from us as we moved forward.

We have new trainers, new recipes, new meal plans and a new digital workout studio, the KIC House. We have built this with everyone and every fitness level in mind.

We’ve been working on this for some time now and knowing that this exciting new chapter was just around the corner has been driving all of the KIC team to get out of bed and keep moving forward — even if we can only leave our homes for an hour of the day.

So, even though 2020 has been a total b*tch, I know that connection and community is what has been getting me through iso. It’s motivated me to work, to workout, to adapt and to learn, and I hope that even when this madness is over, I don’t forget that it is a pretty powerful thing!

Read more about KIC’s new app and hear from the new trainers. Then, download or update the app to get started on your wellness journey. 

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