Nick and Christian: Two Victorian Mates Hankering For ‘My Kitchen Rules’ Glory

My Kitchen Rules 2023 Nick and Christian

Channel 7

Nick and Christian: A couple of pals who have entered the My Kitchen Rules war zone. These Victorians have been mates for 12 years and have bonded over their shared love of food. 

As it stands, Nick works as a venue manager for a pub. Meanwhile, Christian is a restaurant supervisor. However, during the COVID lockdowns, they began cooking up a storm on TikTok to kill the time. Soon enough, their account had racked up over 900k views.

But will this TikTok success translate to Channel 7 victory? Can these boys take home the win? Here’s everything we know about the My Kitchen Rules pair, Nick and Christian. 

Nick and Christian vs. My Kitchen Rules 

According to Nick and Christian, they might win My Kitchen Rules because they’re a team that trust each other’s cooking skills.

“Our dynamic is solid,” said Nick in a press statement. “We understand each other very well and know when to push or pull. There’s a lot of trust.”

Likewise, Christian called their dynamic, “Hard-working. A true team.”

What’s more, this trust is backed up by some delicious feeds. Take for instance, Nick’s signature dish, which is lemon roasted chicken with potatoes.

“It’s my go-to meal, something I love to make for friends,” said Nick.

But what is Christian’s signature dish? Well, it’s a classic pork belly.

However, just because Nick and Christian can cook, that doesn’t mean they’ll win My Kitchen Rules

Nick believes that Sonia, Marcus, Radha, and Prabha are all competitors worth worrying about.

“They are all great cooks,” said Nick, “who really understand their food styles.”

My Kitchen Rules premieres at 7.30pm on Monday, September 4. It will be airing on both Channel 7 and the 7plus app.

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