
Incorporating Yoga Into Your Routine Can Help Calm Your Body and Mind


Having a lot on your plate with work, family and friends can often result in a overloaded mind.

And, while circumstances have recently changed — with many of us forced to take a step back — the uncertainty of the future can also equal a busy brain.

So, incorporating a restorative practice like yoga into your routine could prove helpful — for both your body and mind.

According to Troy Abraham, a performance coach and facilitator at Power Living, having this extra downtime is a great chance to try out yoga.

“In times like these, when we are all spending lots of time at home, yoga has huge mental, physical and emotional benefits!” Abraham told TheLatch—.

“Especially now, there are some fantastic online options available so it’s easier than ever to practice wherever you are.”

When it comes to the physical benefits of yoga, your joints are the real winners in the situation.

“Well, first off, you reclaim joint mobility (if you are moving in a functionally sound manner),” Abraham said.

“You will build strength and resilience too if you are moving through a strong practice. At Power Living, we focus on a range of functional yoga techniques, deep yin yoga and powerful vinyasa flows.”

While the physical impact of yoga is great, the positive consequences that exercise can have on your mind is truly the best part.

“When you are immersing yourself in the practice, you experience a quality of calm and the world seems to simply fall into place as it is meant to,” said Abraham.

“Essentially: you will feel more connected to every moment. Your mental bandwidth will be less busy, and this is huge.

“When we feel anxious, as much of the world is experiencing right now, we may feel stressed, flat and possibly more run down. Practising yoga — beyond simply moving, but connecting to breath and mind — calms your nervous system and can actually help to strengthen the mind and immune system at the same time.”


If you’re a newbie to yoga, don’t worry about becoming a yogi within a week. It all takes time, but the benefits for your busy brain should be apparent early on.

While you’re not currently able to attend a physical class at the moment, try to find a beginner session being offered online.

“Try to find a basic class that emphasises safety first,” said Abraham.

“At Power Living, we have level one Vinyasa classes and foundational workshops, to help give you confidence in your movements and teach you to flow safely and effectively.

“There are also advanced classes for those experienced yogi’s who are dedicated to their practice. Remember: yoga can seem easy from the outside, but achieving great results requests that you put in great effort. Dig in, be consistent, appreciate the journey you are on and allow the benefits of yoga to manifest in you.”

Power Living is offering daily online classes, where you can find beginner and advanced classes.

Always consult your doctor before making drastic changes to your health and fitness routine.

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