Coco, a bowtie-wearing and impeccably groomed rabbit, has been spotted enjoying the luxuries of business class while on a flight from San Francisco to Tokyo.
Owner Takako Ogawa snapped the pics during the long-haul flight — though her trip was actually in 2018, the snaps are only now making the viral circuit.
“I was returning to Japan, resigning from Google to start my new career,” Ogawa, the co-founder and CEO of analytics startup, Panalyt Japan, told Insider.
As for how she managed to secure a seat for her pet? Ogawa registered Coco as her emotional support animal and paid a fee of US $100 to keep her in the business cabin in a carry case.
Upon realising no other passenger would be taking the seat next to her, Ogawa let out the eight-year-old rabbit to enjoy the drinks and snacks service — with permission from flight staff, of course.
The images snapped show Coco nibbling away gracefully on a croissant and a selection of nuts. Flight staff were apparently all too happy to tend to her needs with little plates of snacks and plenty of pats.
While rabbits can typically leave ‘presents’ behind wherever they go, it’s said Coco made no mess. She only hopped around in her area and disturbed no other travellers.
Truthfully, if the scene wasn’t so damn cute I’d probably be more annoyed that a rabbit got to live the high life in business while I sit between two coughing people who fundamentally misunderstand the notion of sharing the armrest.
But it’s cute, so we’re letting it slide.