The Claremont Murders: Who Is the Real Bradley Robert Edwards?

Warning: This article deals with an accounts of rape and sexual assault and may be triggering for survivors of abuse.

In 2023, Channel 7 made a new two-part series called The Claremont Murders. And this has caused a lot of people to question who is Bradley Robert Edwards? This is because Edwards is a real serial killer who’s the subject of this program.

But who’s the real Bradley Robert Edwards? Let’s get into the details right now.

Bradley Robert Edwards

Bradley Robert Edwards grew up in the Perth suburb of Huntingdale. However, not much is known about his childhood except for the fact that he stole underwear from bedrooms and his neighbour’s washing lines.

Which is why we’re jumping to 1990, the year Edwards was arrested. This man was in trouble for assaulting a female hospital worker by dragging her to a toilet. Edwards was sentenced to two years of probation and was ordered to attend a sex offenders program.

However, Edwards had committed another crime around this period, and the police didn’t know about it. And the crime in question is just vile. Edwards had broken into an 18-year-old girl’s Huntingdale home and raped her. What’s more, the only evidence that he had left behind was his kimono.

In 1995, Edwards raped another teenager. In 1996 and 1997, Edwards killed a woman named Jane Rimmer and a woman named Ciara Glennon. These two women were from the Perth suburb of Claremont.

Fortunately though, the police eventually caught and arrested Edwards. This happened in 2016. And it happened thanks to DNA tech improving. The police were able to detect some of his semen on the old kimono. The one he left in Huntingdale after raping a teenager.

From this point, the police were able to determine that he killed Rimmer and Glennon. Additionally, in 2020, he was sentenced to life in prison for these murders and for raping the previously mentioned teenage girls.

At Edwards’ trial, his prosecutor, Carmel Barbagallo, said, “This case is so serious, so rare, so exceptional, that the maximum available sentence is appropriate.”

Related: DNA Test Time — Is This Poor Woman Madeleine McCann?

Related: Who Is Chris Dawson and How Did a Podcast Send Him to Jail?

If this article brings up any issues for you or anyone you know, or if you just feel like you need to speak to someone, please contact 1800 RESPECT (1800 737 732) the National Sexual Assault, domestic and Family Violence Counselling Service.

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