
The Writers Strike Is Now Over 100 Days Old — Here’s Where Everyone Stands

One hundred days. It’s now been over 100 days since the Writers Guild of America (WGA) went on strike. What’s more, there are dissenting opinions about if the writers will get what they want, update their requests, or concede. 

On 2 May, workplace negotiations between the WGA and the Hollywood studio system broke down. The WGA wanted its members to receive more equitable compensation packages and better streaming service residuals. They also wanted artificial intelligence scriptwriting services to be properly regulated. 

However, the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers (AMPTP), an institution that represents the Hollywood studio system, ignored these requests. So since 2 May, the WGA has been on strike. 

On 9 August, this writers strike had its 100-day anniversary. Additionally, this fact didn’t discourage the picketing workforce.

One such writer protesting that day was Ian Deitchman. Ian has written for productions like Suits and believes that the WGA will not falter. 

“I did a 100 days in ’07, and this is decidedly different,” Ian said on the picket line.

He continued: “I am so blown away by the solidarity… I hope that the companies are starting to realise that the longer they make us walk in the heat, the angrier we get and the stronger we get, not the weaker.”

Yet, while the WGA won’t crumble, the strike’s anniversary is travelling further and further away from the present. So, what’s next for this strike? And do we know when this protest will end? Here are all the details we know. 

A Writers Strike Update

On 11 August, the WGA and the AMPTP had a negotiation-based meeting. According to inside sources, the meeting was somewhat constructive. At some point during this meeting, the WGA received a counterproposal from the AMPTP. However, the details of this counterproposal haven’t been disclosed as of yet. 

“Your Negotiating Committee received a counterproposal from the AMPTP today,” said the WGA in a statement. “We will evaluate their offer and, after deliberation, go back to them with the WGA’s response next week.”

In this statement, the WGA also said that “sometimes more progress can be made in negotiations” when there isn’t “a blow-by-blow description of the moves on each side.”

“That will be our approach,” continued the WGA, “at least for the time being, until there is something of significance to report, or unless management uses the media or industry surrogates to try to influence the narrative.”

“In the meantime, please continue to demonstrate your commitment by showing up to the picket lines: For yourselves, your fellow writers, SAG-AFTRA, fellow union members, and all those in our community who are impacted by the strikes.”

When Will the Writers Strike End?

Despite the fact that the writers strike is over 100 days old and negotiations are going swell, most industry insiders believe that this war’s far from through. In fact, numerous Hollywood workers have told Vanity Fair that they expect this strike will end in October. 

According to one anonymous showrunner, the writers strike most likely won’t end in August, September, November, or December. 

“It largely boils down to the Hollywood calendar,” they explained. “Labor Day and Jewish holidays make September tough to get things done. If you can’t sell a pitch at certain times of the year, you probably can’t settle a strike then either.”

“The end of October is a very real deadline on the calendar because nothing gets done in November and December.”

So, is this specific individual right? Or will this writers strike score a 200-day update? These are the questions that the AMPTP must soak up.

Related: Where Are All the Great Union Films?

Related: The 2007 Writers Strike Changed Everything — Will the 2023 One Do the Same?

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