Nat’s Picks: Could Demi or Madelon Be the One to Wow Farmer Matt?

Farmer Wants a Wife, Nat's Picks for Farmer Matt, Demi (L) and Madelon (R)

Channel 7

Farmer Wants a Wife is back, and with it comes the drama-filled journey of our farmers in search of true love. As we follow the romantic exploits of Farmer Brad, Farmer David, Farmer Brenton, Farmer Matt, and Farmer Andrew, co-host Natalie Gruzlewski has a surprise in store for them: Nat’s picks.

You see, Nat has been on a mission, scouring the country to find two potential partners for each farmer, and for Farmer Matt, her picks are Demi and Madelon. Could one of these latecomers shake things up?

The farmers have already formed some serious connections with the original ladies, which means the newcomers’ presence is sure to cause some tension.

The road to love is never easy, but with Farmer Wants a Wife, it sure is entertaining. So, let’s meet Nat’s Picks and see what drama ensues next.

Related: Intruder Alert! Meet Nat’s Picks for ‘Farmer Wants a Wife’ 2023

Related: Will Matt’s Love Story Come to Life on ‘Farmer Wants A Wife’ 2023?

Meet Demi

According to Demi (pictured left in the above image), she’s accustomed to getting her way.

“Anything that I’ve truly wanted, I’ve got,” she said in a press statement. But as one of Nat’s picks for Farmer Matt on this season of Farmer Wants a Wife, will Demi be able to win her farmer’s heart?

Demi is a 22-year-old sports management student from Queensland, and believes her loyalty, intuition, and advice-giving skills are her special qualities.

“I truly listen and care about other people’s thoughts and opinions,” she said.

When asked why she chose Farmer Matt, Demi revealed that she found him cute at first glance, and after reading his profile, she realised they wouldn’t have an issue getting along.

“His answers come across as genuine, and that’s something that I value,” she said.

Finding love is extremely important to Demi, and she wants Farmer Matt to know she’s serious about finding The One.

“Ever since I was little, I have dreamed about having a special person by my side,” she said. “I have always been a bit of a hopeless romantic.”

Meet Madelon

Madelon (pictured right in the above image) is a 22-year-old dressage rider from Victoria, and now, she’s one of Nat’s Picks for Farmer Matt on the latest season of Farmer Wants a Wife.

“I’m a born and raised farm girl [who’s] not afraid to get her hands dirty,” Madelon said in a press statement.

When asked about her special qualities, she replied, “I have the biggest heart. I’m very genuine and hard-working.”

Madelon was initially drawn to Farmer Matt because after reading his profile, she felt that they had a lot in common.

“I also find him attractive, which is important in a relationship,” she added.

As for what Farmer Matt should know about Madelon, she said: “I absolutely love animals and I really don’t think I could go a day without them. My horse is my absolute everything.”

It seems like Madelon has a lot to offer, and we can’t wait to see how her relationship with Farmer Matt unfolds on the show!

Farmer Wants a Wife is airing now on 7 and 7 Plus. Miss an episode? Catch up on 7Plus.

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