Nat’s Picks: Could Farmer Brenton Find Love With Rebecca or Jemma?

Farmer Wants a Wife, Nat's Picks for Farmer Brenton's ladies, Jemma (L) and Rebecca (R)

Channel 7

Farmer Wants a Wife has returned with a bang, and love is already in the air as our farmers embark on their quest for true love. But as we all know, this is reality TV, and there are always surprises along the way. This season’s twist comes in the form of Nat’s picks.

Natalie Gruzlewski, the co-host of the show, scoured the country to find two additional potential partners for each farmer. For Farmer Brenton, she’s selected Jemma and Rebecca.

This year, all five farmers — Farmer Brad, Farmer David, Farmer Brenton, Farmer Matt, and Farmer Andrew — are guaranteed to find love, and viewers have been eagerly following their journey.

As we all know, the path to true love is never smooth, and the presence of the new arrivals will undoubtedly create some challenges for the existing couples. Could one of these latecomers be the one to steal a farmer’s heart? Only time will tell.

For now, let’s meet Nat’s picks and see how they fare in their quest for love.

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Related: Can Brenton Find Happily Ever After on ‘Farmer Wants A Wife’ 2023?

Meet Rebecca

Rebecca (pictured left in the image above), is a 21-year-old registered nurse from Western Australia. She is also one of the ladies hand-picked by Nat for Farmer Brenton.

A little about Rebecca: In a press statement, she said that her mum says she sounds like a kangaroo, which she thinks is “savage.”

When asked about her special qualities, Rebecca replied: “My ability to think outside of the box and my communication skills.”

She added: “I can also open any gate, drive a manual car and cook a perfect steak!”

But what was it about Farmer Brenton that attracted Rebecca initially?

“Brenton has an infectious smile and comes from a family of sisters, which is a massive green flag! I would love to make him laugh and see that smile for myself,” she shared.

Rebecca wants Farmer Brenton to know that she is adaptable and loves animals, the ocean, surfing, the beach, four-wheel driving, and camping.

With her bubbly personality and varied interests, it looks like Rebecca could be a strong contender for Farmer Brenton’s heart.

Meet Jemma

According to Jemma (pictured right in the image above), a 21-year-old radiology assistant from South Australia, she is someone who “knows how to have a good time and can get along with almost anyone.”

But there’s more to her than just being a social butterfly. Jemma is someone who takes pride in her job and is passionate about caring for others.

“I want to make others feel loved, nurtured, and joyful,” she said in a press statement. “My job allows me to care and look after people, and that’s where my personality shines. I am hard-working, energetic, and reliable.”

When asked why she chose Farmer Brenton, Jemma explained that she and Brenton share the same core values and have similar personalities.

“I like Brenton’s vibe a lot,” she said. “He loves Luke Combs and the beach. Plus, he has a beautiful smile.”

But there are a few things that Farmer Brenton should know about Jemma.

“My health is really important to me, but I love a glass of wine or two as well,” she shared. “I have a passion for horses, so have shovelled a fair bit of horse poop in my time.”

With her positive attitude, caring nature, and love for horses, Jemma may just be the perfect match for Farmer Brenton.

Farmer Wants a Wife is airing now on 7 and 7 Plus. Miss an episode? Catch up on 7Plus.

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